I'm not sure what is going on but, this past week seems to have been a hard one for most of us. Most either didn't have a weight loss or if they did it was a small one they are not happy with. Some even had a slight gain.
I got several emails where the disappointment and even anger came through loud and clear.
So I thought today we should talk about ways to stay motivated.
First of all whenever we say the word "diet" a since of dread comes upon us. We think of all the food we can't have any more. How many times have you heard "I can't have that, I'm on a diet".
We feel deprived when we say we are on a diet. Sometimes we feel like we might as well not go somewhere because after all "being on a diet means you can't eat and that takes the fun out of going out".
Some times we feel like we are being "punished" when we are on a diet. Saying things like "I can't have that. I'm on a diet" with the same tone as a child would tell their friend "I can't go to the movies. I'm on restriction".
I've never heard anyone say "I'm so excited! I'm on a diet!". Have you?
So, rather then thinking you are "on a diet" how about thinking that you are treating your body with the love and respect it deserves.
When you go on a diet you will lose weight. But, if you just eat healthy until you lose weight and you think of a diet as a temporary way of eating you will end up putting all the weight back on.
Of course that is not what you want to do. So get off that diet! Get on a healthy eating plan.
Give yourself permission to eat ANYTHING you want. Just do so in a limited way. If you want chocolate, have it. Have that one piece of creamy wonderful chocolate. Get the good kind of chocolate. Your favorite kind. Enjoy the taste, the texture and smell of one perfect piece of chocolate.
Just be sure to stop at one piece. It's much easier to know that you have that one lovely piece of chocolate to look forward to then to think you will never eat another piece again.
I find it's also a wonderful motivator to watch some of the TV shows where someone is losing weight. There are several of those shows on now. Like Ruby & The Biggest Loser.
When we see other people doing it we get the feeling we can do it too. The truth is... WE CAN DO IT!
Also, reading about success stories is a great way to stay motivated. You can get magazines like Weight Watchers. They have great success stories in there. Or, go on line. Type in weight loss success stories into Google and you will come up with a ton of great stories.
Also, remember how far you have come. Maybe you didn't lose one week. That's OK. You lost the weeks before!
I also like to go look at uncooked hamburger meat. It makes me think of what we would look like if we took our skin off. Bumpy, fatty flesh. YUCK!
So look at what a pound of hamburger looks like. Or even 1/4 of a pound. Then think about that being removed from your body. That is what you lost! That is a wonderful thing!
We need to change the way we are thinking about things. Make a list of all the reasons you want to lose weight and get healthy. Then read it when you are feeling in a slump.
Call a friend or write in your journal when you feel like eating everything in the house.
Stop and think about why are you feeling like giving up. Most likely the thing you are feeling really has nothing to do with eating. Are you upset with someone? Feeling lonely? Angry? Whatever it is, deal with the issue in a way that does not have to do with eating to stuff that feeling inside.
Go for a walk to calm down. Take a bubble bath to relax. Put music on and dance if you are mad.
I would love to hear ideas on what you plan to do to stay motivated. We all need to have a plan so we are not caught by surprise when our motivation is lacking.
Don't forget you can always email me or one of the other ladies on A BETTER ME for a pick me up.

Excellent post, Joanne! Now can you just be that little voice in my head that can justify almost anything?
It is comforting to know that many of us are feeling the same. We do need motivators and this was a great start! Thanks for sharing!!
Great motivating post! I'm trying to do just that...think about eating healthy and putting in some little treats here and there and watching portion sizes. Keeping track of what I'm eating helps, too. If you write it down...you don't "forget" it. So far I've lost six pounds in three weeks so that's about right...one or two pounds a week.
Hugs, Susan
What was working for me was blogging when I felt the need for food.
I don't think I slowed down on my blogging, yet I let food slip in this past week. It started after watching "Lost". When I went to bed after my first gorge of food, I remember thinking, "Wow, I think "Lost" put me in a bad mood" If that is the case, I don't know what I am gonna do. I like "Lost"
I just have to be firm with myself.
That was uplifting and motivating.
Thanks for thinking of us, and making such a positive post, after most of us had a dreadful week.
I think that winter, the blahs, and snow are factors....but I'm not sure where everyone is from...so, who knows. It was just a bad week, but hopefully, this week will be better.
Your post should help us with that.
I love all your tips and ideas Joanne! Thanks for making us try to change our mindset. That's what I need to do, permanently change my mindset about eating. I'm so glad you're doing this program for us!
Big hugs, Sherry
Hi Joanne. Have just found your blog & I love it. Will be retutning often to hear more from you.
Have a great day
Lyn xxx
Ho Joanne,
I think that's a typo, but it's kinda cute so I'll leave it there :0.
I adore that little shop and need to head back over to see what's up for Valentines Day. Did you see it at Halloween? Very creepy, but cute!
I went to the flea market one Sunday morning and wasn't impressed at all. It was mostly junk and what was good I thought they wanted a pretty penny for...me I'm cheap.
You had asked about the Dickens Fair and if I wanted to go...what weekend is it? And I have nothing to wear. I'm kicking myself in the butt! When my grand dad died one of my aunt's sent me this huge box of stuff and in it was a beautiful black beaded shawl from the Victorian era. I didn't know what to do with it or how to clean it (oh did it smell!) so I donated it to a Victorian Wedding Gown Museum. I know, I am so stupid, but I have this theory that they are only things and don't get attached. Little did I realize I was attached to that ONCE I GAVE IT UP! Live and learn.
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