We all know about carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. But there are so many other ones out there.
Since I don't eat meat I like finding new vegetables so I can try different types of meals.

I like eggplant cook many different ways. Even just grilled with some olive oil. Or, better yet, deep fried with a nice batter on it. Oh, wait, that isn't the best way to eat it if you are trying to eat healthy.
Many people like to substitute out the meat and use eggplant in the dish.
It's also a great and yummy way to make Lasagna. Just use your favorite sauce and cheese and layer it with the eggplant rather then using noodles.
Taste great and saves calories. Plus it's much healthier for you.

A quick and easy recipe is to place the squash in a bowl and add 1 cup prepared pesto, 1 cup of sun dried tomatoes chopped up, 1/4 cup of chopped parsley, 2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper to taste.
Toss and enjoy. You can even add a bit of grated Parmesan cheese if you like.

They are white on the outside and a pretty pink inside. The older the radish gets the more mellow the taste is.
These are great cut up in salads.

Also, Parsnips are a great vegetable that a lot of people have never had.
They look pretty much like a carrot but they are white.
My favorite way to have these are to just slice them up, put some olive oil on them with a bit of rosemary and salt sprinkled on top. Then roast them until browned and soften.
One of the best ways to not get bored with your new eating plan is to try different types of food. Things that you don't normally eat. Who knows, you may find out they will soon be your new favorite food.
If you have any unique vegetables I hope you will share them with us. Or if you have a great recipe you think we may enjoy then please post it so we can try it.
I hope you will try at least one of the vegetables above if you have not already done so. If you do, let me know what you think.

Well, just as I hit post, my internet dropped me so I don't if you got it or not. But, as I was saying I love veggies, all kinds. It's my DH that is a PITA at the table, so I'm limited to what I make.
Yummy veggies! Let's hear three cheers for vegetables!
Great veggie post Joanne! I love eggplant and will have to get a couple to eat. I haven't had parsnips since I was a little girl and am so glad you reminded me of them.
I'm sticking to my diet and doing good. Although I had a nightmare that I ate a huge sticky bun before I remembered I was on a diet!! Then I was at a dessert buffet with all these FABULOUS desserts on it! How cruel was that? LOL I was so glad it was just a dream when I woke up!!
Big hugs, Sherry
During these trying economic times, it's so good to see so many bloggers coming back to veggies. I use them everyday in my menu. Sometimes I just steam them up and eat them by themselves. So good! I make a box of beef Rice-A-Roni and then add sauteed peppers and a couple of drained cans of veggies to the finished rice. Yummy! Freezes well for another time too. Very economical! xxoo
I never liked eggplant or parsnips until a few years back. My mother tried endlessly to get me to try them. Now I do. I love eggplant spicy. The parsnips I haven't cooked myself but a friend did and not I like them. Some people out them in with smashed potatoes.
You go girl, keep it up and don't let it get you down.
Sorry I didn't proof read this. I am such a dork today. Hope you know what I mean.
Well eggplants and I are well aquainted but never ever have I heard of watermelon radishes!
They look oh so pretty.
I love ratatouille....Best way to use up vegies and be super healthy and filling!
Hi Joanne,
I'm doing pretty good with Weight Watchers. I lost 4 pounds! Yea! The eating plan is easy. I do want to get more exercise in somehow.
Hugs, Susan
Joanne,, I love spaghettie squash and never tried it like you described it. I plan on doing so. I like doing the same things in the supermarket. I try to pick up one different kind of fruit or veggie I've never had and find a recipe and try it. I helps to broaden your horizons and keep things interesting while dieting.. Keep up the great posts!!! Tracey
Tried eggplant for the first time a few years back.....as a semi-grown-up. It was good. Now remind me, is it turnups or rhudabagas that taste like mashed potatoes? I know one of them has the same taste.
Hi Joanne
I regularly eat parsnips but I have never tried any of the others. Will have to give them a try some time.
I bought a new fruit last week called a Pomelo. I have never heard of one before. It looks a bit like a grapefruit but is supposed to be sweet. Haven't tried it yet.
Hi Joanne! It's nice to meet you! Thanks for the visit & the comment. I've added your name 4 times into the hat for the countdown giveaway & once for the book. Good luck! Thanks for adding my button!
The vegetable dishes look and sound good. I haven't tried the spaghetti squash, and I like all kinds of squash, so I should try that one. I try to eat lots of veggies, most are low in carbs and calories. Salads are very versatile and you can have a different one each day for lunch and cut out a lot of the fat and carbs and get a lot of vitamins!
Thanks ...these are great! I, too do not eat meat and have started feeling so much better!
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