Dippin' Dots is ice cream like you have never had before.
Rather then a scoop of ice cream you get tons of little dots of ice cream.
Most ice cream is made by pouring the ice cream mixture into a machine that will stir the ice cream around and around. The mixture freezes as it touches the sides of the machine that is very cold. Then it get stirred more and a scraper pulls off the frozen area and then more of the mixture freezes. This goes on and on until all the mixture has been frozen.
You get a nice creamy frozen mixture...ice cream as we all know it.

Well with Dippin' Dots the mixture gets poured into a container that is so cold it freezes each and every drop of the mixture as soon as it enters it. So your "ice cream" is not all mixed together. It's a bunch of tiny dots.

They can be found at some malls, amusement parks and are even popping up in some special vending machines.
Dippin' Dots come in many different flavors just like regular ice cream.
They do melt but much slower then normal ice cream. Though when you put them in your mouth they don't seem to be super cold like you would think they would be.
I like them. But regular ice cream just can't be beat. What do you think?
My little grandson loves dipping dots! But I like the real thing!
Yep i have had them. I thought they were a fun way to eat ice cream. I also like the freeze dried type the astronauts eat.
They look very festive and fun and I hope I can find some when the grandchildren come to visit. But, I think I still will prefer the real deal.
Thanks for sharing as I would not know about these, otherwise!
When my kids were young, they LOVED dipping dots! They didn't have it at our mall, so when we went shopping in Nashville, we would get some. I then got hooked on them. I haven't had any in years and I didn't know they came in a package now.
I like ice cream better but anytime we are in a mall or somewhere with dippin dots my daughter has to get chocolate mint...she love it!
I've seen these on some of the Cooking Shows, but have not had the pleasure of trying them... I think they're fun to look at, and imagine they'd be fun to eat, too! But I'm betting my ♥ would stay true to good old-fashioned ice cream... especially the kind you crank on a Summer day...
Me and my sweet grandson Wesley have had our share of dipping dots... we have now moved on to "DIBS".. you MUST try them.. Smiles!!
I've never been able to find them, but some people have told me about them a while back. I am going to try them as soon as I see them. Sounds interesting!
I have tried them and don't like them much. They really have no flavor as the flash freezing takes most of it away. They were a big thing in Disney World where I tried them. Never again. Yuck! I'd rather have a big dripping cone. xxoo
We first saw them at Sea World in San Antonio! I had a very small taste of my son's.
Hi Joanne
I am so jealous. We do not have Dippin Dots over here. I will have to look out for them when we visit Florida soon. they look delicious.
The little chapel is gorgeous. Thanks for showing the inside too.
Best Wishes
Wow I would love to have some of those. They look so so yummy. I am going to have to see if we have any of them near by us.. I hope so...
I've never heard of dipping dots but I'd sure like some right now.
We don't have that here in Oz and I just know it would be scrum diddly umptious!!!
It is sooooo hot here at moment in 90's and 100's and some of that would go down nicely:)
Mmmm dippin' dots. I never thought about how they are made?!
It actually IS possible to get Dippin' Dots-style ice cream at almost any grocery store; they are just under different brand names.
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