I have no time for a cold. I have Trinity's birthday party this weekend that I have to get ready for.
Guess it's lots of juice for me.
I'm going to take today and tomorrow off of blogging so I can do what I need to do for the party and also get some rest in. But, I will be thinking of all you.

Feel better and I hope the party goes well.
I do hope you get well quickly!
I got it New Year's Eve and it's almost gone except for the coughing. I'm OK during the day but at night, yuck! Feel better soon!
Hugs, Susan
Get well fast! Do you have a Jamba Juice near you? If you do, go get yourself one of Jamba's Coldbuster smoothies. They always help speedup recovery.
Oh, I hate colds. That happens to me whenever I start a diet. Maybe this will be the last one after your body gets adjusted to it's new lifestyle.
Take care and drink lots of juice and water.
Oh feel better soon!
Sorry the 'cold cooties' got you. Feel better soon. We'll be here waiting. Hope the party is a smash hit! xxoo
Oh,my, I am so sorry to hear that you have a cold. The timing is never good either.
I drink lots of tea, or honey with lemon, hubby takes Zicam. Get well soon. Don't feed your cold! lol!
I hope you feel better soon. Drink lots of tea and take extra Vitamin C.
Stopping by to wish you a Happy New year....and to feel better too!
Karla & Karrie
Hope you feel better soon so you can do all those things you need to do. Enjoy the party!!!
Get well soon!
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