Chocolate chip. Now who doesn't love a good chocolate chip cookie?

Samoa cookies are my favorite! They taste more like a candy bar to me then a cookie. Yummy cookie topped with caramel and coconut that is drizzled with chocolate. I could eat a whole box of these and not bat an eye.

I don't think it matters what kind of cookie you get. They are all good. But, the best part about them is the money goes to help fund trips and activities for the girls.
Girl Scouts is a wonderful place for girls to form friends, learn new things and have fun. All the while, staying safe and being taught high morals.
I hope when a little girl knocks at your door or you see a booth set up outside the stores near you, you will stop and get at least one box. Even if you don't want the cookies you can still buy one. Then donate the cookies back to the troop to resell and make additional money.
Trinity is a brownie so I of course will be buying my boxes from her. I'll allow myself one cookie a day and keep the rest in the freezer to enjoy in the months to come.
Oh my! Those cookie pictures came out so big! I have no idea why. Guess it's the calorie monster tempting all of us. LOL
Did you HAVE to give close up shots of the cookies? Oh my gosh... those cookies are SOOO yummy!
You have some different ones from what we have here in South Florida. Your pictures were too good! My favorite is the peanut butter pattie and it would be very hard for me to eat just one.
I love your support of Girl Scouts. It is a great organization and the cookie sales are the major fundraiser. Who doesn't like Girl Scout cookies??!!
I bought my the other day from a friends daughter that's a brownie.
Remember Camp Fire Girls ? I use to belong to them and when we sold the mints, it was the hardest thing for me to do, because I'll ate them.
WHY? Now i need cookies.
Thanks for visiting my 'dogs' on the blog and YES they LOVE this snow!
It's ok about the pictures Joanne. If they WERE really that big, we'd all only need one. :)
I buy Girl Scout cookies whenever possible and I, too, keep the thin mints in the freezer. Wonder who first started that? I still have an emergency box from last year. Always keep at least one box in case a 'just gotta have something sweet' attack hits me. :) xxoo
I'd better see someone selling them some where!!!
I'll be needing some thin mints!! :o) Sue
I just got a bagful! Yum
Thanks for entering the Name that Puppy contest on my blog!
Yay for Girl Scouts!! Samoas are my favs too!
Those cookies look so good! Yum! I will be buying them again this year, I love them!
Myself, my sister and her daughters are Girl Scouts and my sister is a Brownie and a Girl Scout leader. So I,am my neice' best customer, she sells at least 1000 boxes every year and she is 10yo, and wins a free trip for 4 to Kansas City Worlds of Fun, 2 years in a row......Thank you for showing me what I ordered...Yes I am guilty of indulgence with GS cookies!
xoxo Cindy
Why do these always come out right before Lent? Every year it's that way! Hubby ordered 10 boxes...there goes the diet!
Thanks for the reminder of Girl Scouts. Both my daughters were in volved...and funny how hard it is to find a girl scout now...I love the cookies and like you.. freeze most of them... love the thin mints mixed in low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt.. yum!!
OMGosh!!! You HAD to go and show these, didn't you!?! You just HAD to! LOL! Oh, thin mints are my FAVE!!!! You don't have them shown here.
I love the chocolate mint cookies! My all tiem favorite from wehn I was a girl scout!
I wonder if the peanut butter cookies ahd to be recalled after the samonella problem? That is such a terrible problem :-(
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