My poor sister, Patty, is sick and so she asked me if I would take her ticket to see Dreamgirls tomorrow at the Orange County Preforming Arts.
Well, she didn't have to ask me twice! I would love to go.

I've never seen Dreamgirls on Stage before. Only the movie. I loved the movie so I'm sure I will enjoy the live performance.
It's 2ND row center seats. Can't get any better then that. I'm excited.

The Orange County Performing Arts is a beautiful location and it's only about four blocks from where I live. So I'll walk there and walk home. Sort of makes me feel like I'm in New York.
You see, here in So. California, no one walks anywhere! If it's a block away, people pack into the car and drive.
I found that by walking to the Performing Arts, I get inside and get home in less time then if I drove. With parking always being so bad it takes longer to get in and out of the parking structure. Plus, I hate to pay for parking.
Now I have to go see what I have to wear.
Have fun! Plus the walking is such good exercise..
When my son lived in NYC we walked everywhere. I remember walking to see him sworn in at the court house. It was COLD, but easier than trying to get a cab or drive!
Oh wow, how awesome.
I love the movie, so this performance will be awesome. Enjoy!!! What a beautiful building. Have fun. Love & blessings from NC!
Hope you have a wonderful time seeing Dreamgirls, Joanne! How exciting to have such a big Performing Arts Center just blocks from your house! You are so lucky to live where you do!!
Sadly our cherry tree is non-fruit bearing. Back when we bought our house and planted trees in the yard, hubby did not want "messy" trees that would be dropping fruit. Therefore, our cherry tree does not bear fruit and we planted hoppa crab trees instead of true apple trees. He'd be more inclined to have fruit bearing trees now, but alas, there isn't any more room for new trees on our little 1/3 acre lot!
Have FUN tomorrow!!!
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