Do you watch the TV show, GLEE? If not, have you heard about it?
I'm sure you have.

If you have not seen it, well, I don't know where you have been. It's a fun show.
It's about a bunch of high school misfits that were all looking for a way to become popular and more liked at school. So they joined their GLEE team.
They sing and they sing well. They found their place in life. Music.
When they sing they are happy. They are liked. They are popular. They are on top of the world.

My great niece, Trinity, goes to a school who has a Panther as a mascot. Their school color is purple. They have "Panther Pride"
They know that music is important and brings all the kids together when they sing.
Several times a year they put shows on for the children to entertain their family and friends. By doing so, each child feels special and important. They feel popular and loved. They have fun.
The sad thing is, with all the budget costs going on their school got their music department cut. If they are going to have any more music for the children they have to raise the funds to pay for the classes themselves.
Tonight they did a fund raiser in order to help raise enough money to pay for them to keep the teacher and have music ringing through the school again.
Trinity got to have two songs where she sang solo parts. I was so proud of her. It's not easy to stand up in front of a full audience and sing. But, she did it and did it well.
She has always loved music and loves to sing! Even as a baby, it would sound like she was singing.
She loves to go to musicals and watch movies where they sing.
They all were to dress as if they were going to go down to the beach. They sang songs all about the beach.
I was happy that all of Trinity's family made it to hear her sing. Sometimes it isn't possible as often someone has to work and can't get off.
Tonight, everyone was there for her. Her daddy and his girlfriend, her grandma and grandpa and her two aunts. Plus, we all got to sit in the front row. I think that made her really happy and made her feel very special, which of course she is.
I remember when I was a little girl and we would put on concerts at school. I would search the whole place until I spotted my family. Once I did, I beamed. I sang louder and stood a bit higher.
Then, my nephews had shows and we would go watch them do the same thing. Now it's my great niece's turn and hopefully when she has children they will get their turn.
It's sad that our State, no, our Country, is in such a mess that we have to see funding for school activities being cut.
Cut things from us adults if you have to but, don't take away the joy of our children.
Joanne, thank you so much for being such a great aunt to Trinity. She loves you very much and you are creating such great memories for her with all the parties you have for her.
Love you,
I couldn't agree more! The people who work hard and pay taxes so their kids can have these things get hurt again. But they will tax us to death to pay for things THEY think are important.
I just read that part of the Tarp money for educ was used in NY to pay for new OFFICE furniture!! And expensive furn. I had the same metal desk chair, complete with rust and worn faux leather for 33 years. It was fine with me!
It is so sad what is happening..
Congrats to Trinity!
It was such a fun show! It's so sad that programs like this are the first cut. Alyssa LOVES music & any type of performing. This program is what gets her through the hard work & sometimes frustrating academics that don't come so easy to her. It's great to watch them & I'm glad Trinity had such an amazing crown rooting her on. She is one lucky girl to have you all!!
Trinity looked so pretty and happy, Joanne! It's so nice that she loves to sing and that her family was there to see her class perform.
It is a shame that the arts get cut whenever there is a budget crunch. Sometimes private funding helps, and it was a good idea for Trinirt's school to do a fundraiser!
You must be so proud.
What amazing kids, and great memory makers.
Kudo's to YOU!
Kids come first!
I'm glad Trinity got to sing in her concert and I'm glad they raised enough funding for their music program to continue for one more year. My daughter is a music ed. major in college. I still have another daughter in high school that is in chorus. Each year we pay hundreds of dollars so my daughter in high school can take that one chorus class. It's funny that this administration wants to spend money to build green schools but where is the funding for educating our children? By the way...we are all 'Gleeks' in our family. We love Glee!!!
We love Glee at our house!!!!
I couldn;t agree more! It is so unfair what they are cutting from schools these days. By the end of the school day, the bathrooms are even out of toilet paper!
Fund the schools and it will bring out the creativity in our kids to solve big problems when they are adults.
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