All you wonderful bloggers, who week after week show your beautiful Tablescapes, have pulled me into your world. A world full of deep dark secrets.
Secrets like where to shop for good buys. How to mix and match plates so that each Tablescape looks pretty and different. You showed me how to go through my home and use what I had.
You showed me great things you found on sale and I went out and got that same deal. You taught me about Dollar Stores and how to turn something inexpensive into something that looks like it came out of a model home.
Yes, it's your fault! It's your fault I have now run out of room to stack up more plates. That I have enough settings of flatware to feed an army. It's because of you that I can pick a color and be able to pull a tablescape together in no time flat.
So because you got me hooked. Because you sucked me into this new world... I wanted to say thank you.
Thank you for all the free lessons. Thank you for all the fun. Thank you for making Thursday a fun day to look forward to.
Yes, I'm an addict, but, I'm proud of it!

What a great post, Joanne! And so like an addict - they always blame someone else!! Heehee
I need another cabinet just to store dishes! I can always find a new kind to love that I just gotta have. Or maybe a separate cabinet for the holiday dishes . . .
Is there an intervention necessary for you girl ?
Step away from the tablescapes, they will always cause you anguish and pain for always wanting the next and the latest plates and cutlery. You'll do nothing but suffer from endless wandering of isle after isle in search of that perfect setting. Hurry before it's to late.
You can always rent a storage place. LOL
Yes, but you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!!
Misery loves company..
Show me your companions and I will tell you what you are..
Water seeks its own level..
A million of them! LOL
And lots of us..
My name is Kathleen, and I am a dish addict.:)
Oh my gosh, Joanne, I can't even imagine where I would store it all! All I have is my everyday white stoneware and my Nana's China, and I have a hard time storing just that! So I will be content to live vicariously through you when it comes to table decor!! You go girl!... Donna
I would love to see where you store all of it -- it must be like a play room for grown women!
Do you need to join "Plates Anonymous"? I too am running out of room and I don't have anything compared to what you must have. And I have started collecting milkglass. Love & blessings from NC!
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