I've been going up and down for the past few weeks and I was so ready to give up and say it's over. But, I hung on. I kept tugging forward. I felt like the Little Train that could. I kept telling myself "I think I can. I think I can." and low and behold I did!
I think I'm back on track now. I know that as long as I stick to my plan I will see the results I long for. Giving up isn't an option for me. I know that. I do not want to fail again.
I wish I could say I won't ever have another gain again and that every week the scales will show a lower number but I can't. I don't know what the future will bring. I may hit another bump somewhere down the road.
But, for now, I'm moving forward. I'm not going to look back. Only forward.
I made a challenge to myself to lose at least 10 lbs by my birthday, which is May 22ND. So now, I'm almost 1/2 way there. Only 5 1/2 lbs left to go.
I'm also still working on trying to get more movement in each day. I can't call it exercise or I won't do it. Crazy huh? But, I found that even if I just go to the stores and walk around there I'm getting more steps in then if I hung around at home.
My goals for this week are:
1. To get extra steps in every day.
2. To try at least one new recipe.
3. Cut down on my salt intake.
4. Eat more protein.
5. To remember this is a life long journey and not to worry about how fast I lose the weight.

You go girl! You've done an amazing job so far & you are going to meet your goal! I don't know if you already do this, but I've noticed when I drink LOADS of water, the weight comes off so quickly!
:) Everyone is rooting for you, Joanne..and it paid off! You did fantastic! You just must be so proud. To stop smoking and to lose weight are two of the most difficult things to do. Such strong addictions and you have DONE IT! What commitment you have!
You will be proud of fat little me... :) Howard bought his bike and yesterday we went out and bought one for me. Even has a little wicker basket on it! We went riding this morning and it was fantastic. What a great feeling to get out there and exercise. LOVE it! Thanks for the inspiration. Now to leave the peanut butter alone! :)
I left you my address on here as I didn't have your email address and didn't hear from you. So far I have hear nothing about the cupcake goodies. Do you know anything? I am so excited about winning them. I wanted to do a post on them..but nothing yet.
Again, congratulations!! I wish it were me! :) Have you gone shopping for clothes yet or are you waiting..and when do we get to see the NEW you?? :) You have to look like a different person by now!
I admire what you have done SO much, Joanne!
Woohoo!! Great job. I've been stable the last few weeks and need a good week to get me going again.
I found this WW Blog. Yummy food!!
Good job, Joanne!! Congratulations. :)
congrats! I think you have a great outlook!
Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
party inspiration
Great job! Keep going and all those extra steps will add up. I know I am trying to get a FEW extra steps myself. I think it is true after 40 your body does start changing, no matter what. I guess it is called gravity, LOL.
Have a great week and keep moving.
That is great! Setting realistic goals is good, but don't be hard on yourself..You are doing wonderfully!
That's great news good work.
I've lost some weight too, mine though is from stress and not eating as much. I think it's around 15lbs.
Anyway again Congrats on getting back in the groove.
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