My poor sister, Patty, is sick and so she asked me if I would take her ticket to see Dreamgirls tomorrow at the Orange County Preforming Arts.
Well, she didn't have to ask me twice! I would love to go.

I've never seen Dreamgirls on Stage before. Only the movie. I loved the movie so I'm sure I will enjoy the live performance.
It's 2ND row center seats. Can't get any better then that. I'm excited.

The Orange County Performing Arts is a beautiful location and it's only about four blocks from where I live. So I'll walk there and walk home. Sort of makes me feel like I'm in New York.
You see, here in So. California, no one walks anywhere! If it's a block away, people pack into the car and drive.
I found that by walking to the Performing Arts, I get inside and get home in less time then if I drove. With parking always being so bad it takes longer to get in and out of the parking structure. Plus, I hate to pay for parking.
Now I have to go see what I have to wear.