I remember when I was little my mom and aunt's used to say "The older you get the faster time goes by." I couldn't understand that. I figured a year is a year no matter how old you are. But now, I full understand what they were talking about.
When you think that a year is only 525,600 minutes it really makes you see how every minute counts.

I have big plans for 2009. I've made a list of goals that I want to reach. I'm even going to post them on my blog so it will help me to be accountable and look back next year to see how many I've done.
Do you make goals or resolutions? If you do, let me know what they are. I would like to see what everyone is planning on doing in 2009.
Have a wonderful New Years! If you do go out please be safe.
See you next year!

Happy New Year, Joanne!
Hugs, Susan
HAPPY NEW YEAR .........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ********
Happy New Year...
Happy New Year Joanne
Two of my goals for 2009 are to go through my house from top to bottom and de-clutter and also to overcome my fear of flying (again)!!
Happy New Year!
In January I always want
to organize,de-junk and
refresh the house with
brighter colors!
Happy New Year, Joanne!! I like the 525,600 minutes! Seems like a lot of time, but it sure does fly! Here's to a wonderful 2009!!
I have really enjoyed visiting your blog and the comments from you on my blog in 2008! Here's to many more to come in 2009!
Happy New Year!!!
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