I have lots of his CD's and I even stood in line once for hours just to get a photo with him and his autograph.
I even have his song "I left my heart in San Francisco" as my ring tone on my cell phone.
Many people have laughed at me when they find out about my little crush on Tony. I don't care! There isn't anything anyone can say that would make me change the way I feel.
So why am I telling you this? Well, yesterday was my birthday. I had a great day and got lots of super nice gifts. I admit it, I was spoiled.
One of my favorite gifts has to be the one my sister, Patty, gave me. She got me tickets to see Tony Bennett in concert!! I almost fainted! This has been a dream of mine.
As much as I love him, I've never had a chance to go see him sing in person.
To think I'm going to get to is so exciting for me. I can hardly wait! Even though I have to wait until Sept....oh dear, that seems so far away.
I know the time will be here before I know it and it will be over way to soon. So I will cherish the excitement and spend the next several months knowing, soon one of my dreams will be coming true.
Thank you Patty! Thank you so much! Of course you know you are the one I'm going to be taking with that extra ticket you got me.
I also want to thank everyone else for the great gifts, wonderful cards, lots of phone calls, emails and well wishes and mostly for the time and love you have given to me.
I had a fantastic birthday!!!
Now, I'm off to Ontario to attend my Paranormal Boot Camp classes and then to a ghost hunting investigation.

Oh Joanne, I admit I am a Tony Bennett fan too! Nothing compares to that voice of his. I am so excited about your ghost hunting! We just got a call from a local family in St. Helens who are asking us to come for an investigation at their house and right away. We also have another lined up for a family home where the disturbances are so bad sometimes they have to take the kids and leave the house for awhile! :) Let us know how the boot camp goes! Good luck!!
Joanne....my parents were musicians and I grew up with 1940's music in my house. Tony Bennet was one of the albums we played a lot. My father played his music on guitar and banjo. I left my heart in San Francisco was my favorite! I have one of his Cd's I listen to from time to time....he's great...I agree totally!! Now...I must go to your previous blog to find out about this paranormal what??? I have been away from blogging as my little jack russell Obie was found to have diabetes. It's been a struggle to get the injections underway and get through the stress of it (me not him) and get it regulated. I will check in again soon.
OH MY...I guess I am not the only one with a HUGE problem! I am so glad I met you and found that out as I thought ...I just felt alone. I didn't trust the TV thingy.
Anyway...Sweetie I guess I missed your birthday and I am sorry for that! Happy Birthday...
I am excited for you getting to see Tony Bennett! I have loved his music since my highschool days.
I really am glad I was a teenager in the fifties. It was a great time and songs were so romantic with great artists like Tony!
See you soon. Sending you a hug.
Lunch is on me Thursday. Your birthday present!
I love him Tony too! I love your site and your creativity. I am adding it to my blog and clicking your "Follow" button. Please visit and if you like what you see after browsing a while, please be sure to click My "Follow" button and also add me to your blog for continual updates and inspiration!
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