I have O negative blood. It's called the Universal blood because it can be given to any other blood type without causing problems. It's what they give to people in hospitals when they don't have time to type their blood.
I figured why not go and help out. I've donated before and I know it's quick, easy and painless.
Do you donate? If you have never donated because you are a bit scared at what happens I thought I would take you all along to show you how easy it is.
Warning though, if you can't stand the sight of blood then you may want to pass up this post.
I've learned that it's good to drink a lot of water before you go as it helps to pump up the veins and makes it easier to find them.
So this morning I drank a few glasses of water before I left my house.
Things like being in certain countries, taking certain medications, having certain illnesses and getting a resent tattoo can keep you from being able to donate.
Then you answer a few more questions on the computer and once everything is done you go into the main room to donate.
The have nice comfortable chairs to sit in.
That's it. Now you just sit and wait until you are finished. You don't feel a thing.
You then go over to the table where there are cookies, crackers, juice and water and wait 15 minutes to make sure you don't have any problems.
It's a great excuse to "have" to eat cookies.
So that was it. Easy and fast. I was in and out within an hour.
I hope that anyone who has been scared about giving blood will think about it again now that you know how easy it is.
Other then a little stick you don't feel a thing.
Oh, I also got a coupon for a free chicken dinner and a free T-Shirt as well as the free cookies and juice. Not bad huh?
You can donate blood every 6 weeks. Think about how many people you can help out in a year.
A+ here! I give blood as often as I can and have received pins for every accumulated gallon I have given. It's the gift of life and I have been a donor for a long-long time. I also used to give blood to whatever hospital my Mom was in to replace what she used before she passed away. I was also one of the first to go to the hospital when Katrina hit so that they would have blood and plasma to transport with the Red Cross volunteers. My veins are also deep and on an angle. I have to tell them that every time I donate. xxoo
My dad always gave, he worked at GM for over forty years and the Red Cross came right into the factories to take donations! I need to look into this! Thanks for doing this for others, so unselfishly!
Thank you! For giving life saving fluid.
Pamela RN in Ohio
Good for you! When I was in high school, I helped run the blood drive for three years. Our Honor Society organized it. The students were allowed to donate with parents permission, however, I was a scrawny kid and didn't meet the weight requirement. I have never donated since, although weight is now not an issue, LOL! I'll give it some thought, I think it's a wonderful gift to give. You don't think about it until you need it unfortunately.
What a wonderful post. Hopefully it will inspire others to give a simple, but life saving gift!
I hope this post will inspire people to give. Not just when there is a major catastrophe, but whenever they can. I donate as often as I can. I am the recipient of a donors blood, if not for a donor, I would have died.
It's true. Giving blood helps saves lives. I'm 'LIVING' proof!
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