I hear Hurricane Bill is waiting for me. He is off the East Coast waiting to cause problems. Just like a man! LOL
Well, think of me while I'm gone and say a prayer that Bill gets out of our way soon. I'm hoping that by the time I'm there he will have blown away leaving us clear skies.
I don't mind some rocking and rolling of the ship. In fact, I enjoy it. Puts me to sleep at night. I just don't want to get flipped over while at sea.
No matter what happens, weather wise, I'm going to have a great time. I'll make the most of it.
I went on a cruise one time and got caught in a hurricane. We ended up missing all but two ports. One stop we couldn't really do anything because the island was so badly damaged and almost everything was closed.
The other stop was Key West and I fell in love with that place.
I'm really looking forward to this trip so I hope all goes well.
I'll be back in two weeks and I'm sure full of great tales. Could be stories of history, shopping, ghost hunting, witch trials and beauty or could be full of how everyone was sick on the ship and things got blown over as we were tossed about like a rag doll on the big seas.
So I guess what I'm saying is, come back in two weeks to read the end of the Vacation Mystery story.
Bye for now!

Joanne you will have a wonderful time and Bill will not bother you. I am confident!! I am so envious of the cruises you go on! I've never done that and you really make me feel that I should try it. You take the greatest vacations!! I can't wait to hear about this trip! Have fun! Be safe! God be with you.
Let us know you are OK when Bill passes you by. I have friends on the coast near Boston and am worried for them also. And have a fantastic trip!! :)
Have fun, sugar lump!
Joanne, the weather here is pretty good today and I think that Hurricane Bill is just about over.. I'll be praying for good weather.. Friday is nice and dray!
Joanne hope Bill is long gone before you get there. Have a wonderful time
Not to worry, Joanne. It should be in the 70's and 80's while you're in our area with no hurricanes in sight! Have a GREAT time. I'm so bummed that our "get together" plans didn't work out... Next time for sure!... Donna
I don't think you'll have a thing to worry about.
If Bill gives you trouble, give him my number and I'll straighten him out.
Have a great time and I think Bill will have gone bye=bye at that point! Hey...if you stop into Portland, Maine, harbor, write me and let me know! I am only 20 minutes away...it's a great place! Have fun...you are a very lucky girl!
Sorry for all the RAIN today, Joanne! Hope you were able to enjoy Salem while dodging the downpours!... Donna
Hi Joanne
Sorry I missed yoiur NYC visit -- we went away a few days before you arrived to visit our grandson and also drive around the west to see soem of the national Parks. I can't wait to download my photos from Yellowstone!
Hope you had a wonderful time on your cruise!
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