I made some multi grain thin spaghetti and added some roasted cherry tomatoes, cooked spinach, a little bit of olive oil and some grated parmesan cheese. Mixed it all together and served with it a side salad and a piece of bread.
It was quick (maybe 15 mins to cook) and easy and best of all healthy.

Congrats! That dinner looks delicious! I'm not a vegetarian but I don't eat very much meat at all. I like fish and shrimp and sometimes chicken. I'm gonna try this recipe soon!
You are doing really good with your diet. I have been dieting for 3 months and only have lost 15 pounds. It is hard work and I am not much of a beef eater and am not crazy about pasta but just might try this dish, it looks yummy. Congrats on the weight loss.
That dinner sounds great! I started back to WW too but this week has been hard for me. You are doing so great!
Joanne! THANK GOD I'm not there! I would have arm wrestled you for that plate!! :)
Looks delicious Joannne. Congrats on the weight loss! I've GOT to stop talking about going on a diet & actually do it. You wouldn't believe what my granddaughter said to me last week...she said (and I quote) "I want my tummy to be big like your's." *blushes* Now that may prove that beauty is, indeed, in the eye of the beholder, but it's also the kick in the pants I needed. ;o)
Congratulations! I didn't know you were vegetarian, guess I missed that somewhere along the line. Anyway, you are doing wonderful on WW. Keep it up! I'm rooting for you. Hugs, Mumzie
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