I admit it has been years since I have gone bowling. Boy things have sure changed since the last time I went though.
Today we went to STRIKE BOWLING LANES. Have you been there before?
While the game has remained the same the looks of the bowling alley has changed. Making it even more fun then ever before.
The balls are color coded so it's easy to find the correct weight for you to throw.

The lanes now glow in the dark! Everything looks so pretty under the black lights. The pins are different colors and glow as does your lane.
Many different celebrities have been to this bowling alley. When ever someone famous comes in they take their picture and have them sign a pin and then it goes into a display case.
It's fun to look at all the famous people have been there and wonder if you are bowling in the shoes they wore or have your fingers in the same ball they did.
There are giant screens showing videos, sports, movie clips and even cartoons, above each lane.
You still go rent your shoes but they don't look as bad as those shoes we rented when I was a kid. Silly me forgot to take a picture of the new shoes.
No more silly colors with your shoe size on the back in big numbers. Now they are just brown and almost look like regular shoes.
There are lots and lots of tables where you can enjoy a meal or a nice cold drink in between the games.
I love the surf boards and lights they have hanging up.
I even found beauty in the balls as they sat waiting for their turn to be tossed down the lane.
Of course everything is automatic now. All the scores are added up for you. No more thinking. Just type your name in and you're done.
If you are tired of bowling there is a big arcade you can play games at. They glow under the black lights also.
They have all sorts of games, pool and foosball.
It really was a fun day and a great way to get some exercise in without knowing you are.
That looks really cool! I haven't been bowling in years! Have a super weekend! Traci
That looks like so much fun! Why can't our yucky ole' bowling alley look like that???? :)
I've never been to strike. Our local lanes have something called Cosmic Bowling and this is the way it looks. They show videos on the screen and blast the sound so the music is blaring through out. My kids love it! I love to bowl although I haven't done it a while. I met my dear hubby at a bowling alley :0) I used to bowl in a league there and he was "subbing" for someone that night. On the second week he subbed, he made a bet with me (suckered me into a date) stating that the "loser" had to pay for dinner. He quickly picked up on my competitive spirit and yes, I took the challenge only realizing later that either way I'd be going out with this guy. lol!
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