Yet, in the back of my mind, I wondered what it would be like to one of the lucky girls who wore the green uniform, went camping, did crafts, helped people and sold cookies.
Now, I'm going to find out. I became a Girl Scout Leader.
It turned out that the leader of Trinity's Troop wanted to step down and I was asked if I would do it.
I was so honored and when the girls got excited about having me be their leader I was very happy. So, how could turn it down.
I went to my training and now I'm officially part of the Troop. We even had our first meeting today.
I'm looking to a year of a lot of fun and excitement as well as long hours of hard work.

Thats awesome! Have fun!!
That's very cool! My girlfriend does it and she absolutely LOVES it. As a matter of fact she's a bit addicted to doing things with the "girls" now. Crafts and outings and dances and on and on. Have fun! You can really make a difference in a childs life.
Congratulations Joanne, hope it is everything you ever thought it would be. When I started in GSA the cookies were 5 boxes for $1. not a typo..no siree. When they went up to 3 boxes for $1 the consumers were outraged, they still bought, but fewer boxes. I remember the year my Mom was cookie chairman and we had hundreds of boxes of cookies stacked waiting for each scout to come and get their sales. Fond memories!
You crack me up!! That picture at the end is so funny. I think you will be a awesome GS leader. You are so creative and have lots of great ideas, the girls are looking forward to their first year as Junior Girl Scouts!!
Congrats, Joanne! You will be a great Girl Scout leader. You always do the neatest things and are very good at researching new things. You will have lots of fun! I've been a GS leader since Rachel was in kindergarten and she's now going into 11th grade. It is a wonderful organization to be a part of. Can't wait to hear about some of the things you do!!
That is so great of you to give your time to do that!With your excitement and enthusiasm you will a GREAT leader!
I think your blog is great and didn't realize you were in So. Cal until just now!....I'm in Orange County...I co-lead a gs troop with girls that go to trinity in AH (and other schools...is that the one you are at? we just got done with day camp all last week...I need to pass out for about 4 days now! Good luck with leading! Yay Girl Scouts!
Congratulations! I KNOW you are going to be an amazing leader! I was a leader of a Brownie troop for 3 years before I was married and had kids of my own. Now those girls are 23 and getting married!
It is such a rewarding experience to know that you are impacting a girl's life in such a positive way and teaching them skills they will have with them for a lifetime!
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