It's been talked about everywhere. The shows on The Discovery Channel, History Channel, Dateline, 20/20, the newspapers, magazines, the movies and so on. The world is waiting to see what December 21, 2012 will bring.
Ask 100 people and you are most likely to get a 100 different answers. You will hear things from it will be just another day to it will be the end of the world.
I've heard we will be hit by an asteroid, meteor or comet. With the Mayans study of the solar system could this be what they saw will happen and why they ended their calendar?
Perhaps it will bring about a solar storm that will leave us with blackouts and wreck the satellites.
Of course this doesn't sound all that bad but think about what life on Earth would be like if we were suddenly thrown into a World with no electric power, no computers, no phones, pumps for gas and so on.
Sounds scary doesn't it?
For years the threat of our Poles shifting have been discussed. Some believe this is what caused the end of dinosaurs and ice age.
Flu researchers say a deadly pandemic is not a case of if but when. Could we be look at the next major flu pandemic? In 1918 the flu killed over 50 million people.
With the ease of travel all over the world what would that number end up being in today's times?
Could we have a Nuclear War, WWIII or a Biological War? With the news reporting threats from Iran and North Korea as well as what is going on in the middle East, perhaps this is a very real possibility.
There are reports that our government is stockpiling food, weapons, seeds, books, medicine and even body bags, as well as other supplies. They are storing these items under ground. Why? Do they know something we don't?
We have all noticed Natural disasters accelerating all over the world. Is this is a sign that the Mayan Calendar that ends on December 21, 2012 and Nostradamus prediction that the World as we know will end is true?
Some religious leaders feel it will be the date of the Rapture, Judgement Day or the Apocalypse.
Then again, there are many who believe December will be just another day. That just as Y2K was made out to be a big scare, it passed by with not so much as a whimper.
So tell me, what do you think December 21, 2012 will bring? Will it be something more then only 4 shopping days until Christmas?
I know this is isn't a normal topic you would normally find on my blog but after watching several shows on this subject I thought I would check and see what the thoughts out in BlogLand are.
Ask 100 people and you are most likely to get a 100 different answers. You will hear things from it will be just another day to it will be the end of the world.
I've heard we will be hit by an asteroid, meteor or comet. With the Mayans study of the solar system could this be what they saw will happen and why they ended their calendar?
Perhaps it will bring about a solar storm that will leave us with blackouts and wreck the satellites.
Of course this doesn't sound all that bad but think about what life on Earth would be like if we were suddenly thrown into a World with no electric power, no computers, no phones, pumps for gas and so on.
Sounds scary doesn't it?
For years the threat of our Poles shifting have been discussed. Some believe this is what caused the end of dinosaurs and ice age.
Flu researchers say a deadly pandemic is not a case of if but when. Could we be look at the next major flu pandemic? In 1918 the flu killed over 50 million people.
With the ease of travel all over the world what would that number end up being in today's times?
Could we have a Nuclear War, WWIII or a Biological War? With the news reporting threats from Iran and North Korea as well as what is going on in the middle East, perhaps this is a very real possibility.
There are reports that our government is stockpiling food, weapons, seeds, books, medicine and even body bags, as well as other supplies. They are storing these items under ground. Why? Do they know something we don't?
We have all noticed Natural disasters accelerating all over the world. Is this is a sign that the Mayan Calendar that ends on December 21, 2012 and Nostradamus prediction that the World as we know will end is true?
Some religious leaders feel it will be the date of the Rapture, Judgement Day or the Apocalypse.
Then again, there are many who believe December will be just another day. That just as Y2K was made out to be a big scare, it passed by with not so much as a whimper.
So tell me, what do you think December 21, 2012 will bring? Will it be something more then only 4 shopping days until Christmas?
I know this is isn't a normal topic you would normally find on my blog but after watching several shows on this subject I thought I would check and see what the thoughts out in BlogLand are.