I went to my friend, Sandra's, house today and helped her make invitations for her son's upcoming birthday party. The theme is Pirates.
I thought they came out really cute so I wanted to share them with you in case you would like to make them for a party you have.

Pirate theme is great for birthdays but also a fun Halloween theme too. I think I'm going to do a Pirate theme next year for Trinity's Halloween party.

First, you take a water bottle. Wash it out and let it dry. It can take several days to get all the water out so you may want to start to make your invitations early so they have plenty of time to dry out.

Take the cap off and don't forget to cut off the little plastic rim that stays on the bottle.
Get some scrap booking paper and cut it into strips. Something like the above pattern was perfect for this project.
Tape the strip of paper over the water label. You could remove the label but why bother when you can just cover it.

Get some little skull head beads. Sandra added little red rhinestones to the eyes just to give it a little some extra.
You can get these skull head beads from Oriental Trading Company. You can find them on line and they also have a catalog.
If you have children this company will be able to help you plan all your parties. They have tons of party themes and their prices are great.
Tie the beads on with some jute

Print out your invitation on paper. You can also tear it and/or burn the edges to make it look worn and old. Or easier yet, just add some brown ink to the edges to give it the same look.

Roll up the invitation and put it in your decorated bottle.
You can also add some sand, a few shells or jewels to the inside of the bottle. Then give it to your friends.
You can see in the photo this bottle still needs to dry longer. But this was just to show you what it will like finished.
It's best if you can hand deliver these. But if not, you could put them in a little box and mail them or you could even write the address on a sticky label and mail these through the mail.
If you do mail them that way be sure to keep your cap and put it on tight.
Then wait for the calls. Because, you will surely have everyone saying yes to a party that starts out with such fun as these invitations.