All of my family gathered at my place and we had a delicious brunch. There was so much food! We had Belgium waffles with either blueberries and whipped cream or real maple syrup, an egg dish with different cheeses and chilies, regular and turkey bacon, tamales and orange juice.
Then it was time to open gifts. It took forever to do this because for some reason everyone went way over board this year and bought so many gifts.
I got a 36 inch HDTV for my bedroom, a sewing machine, hundreds of dollars in movie, restaurants and store gift certificates, beautiful blue sheets, a sweet music box, lots of clothes, a Canon Rebel camera. Yes, I already have a new Canon Rebel camera but this one uses actual film. Something I love! I also got a case to go with it and a telephoto lens that goes to both this camera and my other Canon, DVD, a pretty Brighton heart key chain and so much more!
After we ate and opened the gifts, we got to visit awhile then it was time for my two nephews to leave so they could go have Christmas with their dad.
My two sisters, brother in law and I went to the movies to see True Grit. It was very good!
We came home, had dinner and then got out the Wii game. We had a blast playing different sports and doing the Just Dance game.
Everyone is now gone and it's back to being quiet here. I'm tired but it's a good tired.
I had the best Christmas I can remember in a long time! I couldn't have asked for a better day.
I hope you all had a wonderful day too!
Now it's time to pack up the decorations and get the house back to normal. I'll do that tomorrow...maybe.
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