It's once again time for the Orange County Fair! This year the theme is Let's Eat!
Every year I look forward to going to the fair. I love seeing all the people, the flashy lights, the shows, the exhibits, all the entries hoping to win a blue ribbon and the rides.
But, to be honest, I love seeing and eating all the wonderful Fair Foods. I admit, I couldn't eat this food every day. It's way to much.
Once a year is more then enough to walk around and enjoy all the fried, cheese covered, chocolate covered and crazy food.
It seems like every year they try to find more and more crazy food to tempt fair goers.
This year, they had fried Cool Aid. What in the world is that? I have no idea. I waited and waited for someone to order it so I could snap a picture. No one did.
I was able to catch a lot of different Fair food though. Like the fried Oreo Cookies.
I know you are wondering what I had. OK, I'll tell you. I had a grilled corn on the cob. I also split an order of fries and then had the cinnamon roll before leaving.
I didn't feel good. To much grease. Also, the cinnamon roll wasn't very good. Normally they are the best but not this year. I should have stuck to just the Corn on the Cob and diet coke.
What is your favorite Fair Food? Do you have one?

We went a few years ago and my husband tried a fried White Castle and a fried Snickers. I tried a bite of the fried Snickers, it was really like a Snickers inside a donut!
One of my most fond memories of high school is the OC Fair! I desperately want to visit one of the fairs here in WA, but the weather never cooperates. Up here in WA there are so many different little carnivals that come and go... Bumbershoot (all music, almost like woodstock) and Seafair (on the water) and the county fairs and so on. I wonder what on earth fried cool aid is. How can you fry juice? I have to look that up now! :)
There's a whole lotta fat in those pics! lol! We don't have too many fairs here - we usually have to go upstate to get one.
Awww....LOVE the OC FAIR!! My son and I are considering a trip down to OC to go to the fair! In the past it was our 'tradition' to go the first day (hit up the free entry hour!) and then go a bunch of times during the month. We love the food, too...our faves were always the Australian potatoes, Hot Dog on a Stick (I know, they're available at the Westminster Mall, but there's something better about paying through the nose for it and a gigantic cherry lemonade!! lol), last year we braved fried Oreos (meh, more soggy than anything) and of course we have to have the cinnamon rolls. Always with extra icing. mmmm...sorry to hear they weren't up to snuff this time. The fair here is so disappointing...only lasts 9 days in September (too long to wait if you ask me!) and doesn't even have 1% of anything the OC Fair's a bummer. Glad you had fun, though!!
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