Friday, November 5, 2010


If you are looking for a quick and easy craft to do with the kids, look no further. I have just the thing for you.

This copper embossed picture.

It's hard to photograph this at night. I should have done it in the day, but, you will get the idea.

All you need is, a piece of copper paper, four Popsicle sticks stained brown, four leaf charms and a piece of ribbon.

Draw or copy a picture to the size you need. You can do whatever picture you like, this is a simple oak tree with swirls. You could even write something. However, if you do, it will need to be copied backwards so it shows up the right way when you turn it over.

Place your picture on top of the copper paper. Be sure you turn the copper paper over so it will show on the copper side.

Trace the picture with a pen. I found doing it on a place mat was easier. It allowed the copper to be embossed easier.

Take your paper off. You will see your picture as you drew it.

Then turn it over to the copper side and you will see it nicely embossed.

Glue your Popsicle sticks on to make a frame, add your leave charms and the ribbon on the back so you can hang your picture up.

Let it all dry before you move it.

There you have it. Your own copper embossed picture.

I purchased these from a craft store on line but they would be so easy (and cheaper) to make on your own.

I am going to have my Girl Scout Troop make these as one of their Thanksgiving crafts.



Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Joanne!

What a wonderful idea! I'm going to be saving this idea for when the Sweetie Girls are a bit older. It's creative and pretty cool looking!!

Have a great fall! Hugs, sherry

Kathleen said...

That's a good craft for kids. Came out great!


This is looking so nice..easy too..
Join my Creative linky@CreativeMind

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Jonanne!
This is a nice craft idea and the finished result is so oretty!
xxoo, Pat

Lady Jane said...

That is such a helpful hint to emboss on a placemat. I have done embossing for greeting cards and that is a great tip. I also like the idea of the pringles can, I will definately be using that idea this Christmas. Thanks, blessings, L Jane