In one of the rooms down in the basement we came across this old gurney. It had what appeared to be old dried blood on it. Very gross.

This part of the building had a very Art Deco look to it. We were getting ready to walk into another area and I had a feeling someone was watching us from a different hall. So I turned around and just clicked my camera.
A few orbs showed up. I don't think these were dust because no one had been walking down this area. We actually came down a different hall and there was no breeze from outside or air conditioning.
However, it could be from dust. Due to the strange feeling I had and the fact that inside hardly any type of orbs showed up on any one's pictures I do believe it's not dust.
Though some people feel all orbs are from dust.

This was one of the old surgery rooms. This is the room where it has been reported by many people, that a little girl can be heard humming and crying. Also, a Dr. is said to have been seen going in and out of this room several times.
We did an EVP and K2 session in here. This by far was a high light of the night. All the flash lights were turned off, the room was black. Everyone was very quiet and we lined up against the walls. The two K2 meters were put in the center of the room so no one was near them.
We started to ask questions. First nothing. Then we all heard what sounded like a man walking outside the room in the hall. I say it was a man because it was the sound a mans shoes would make and heaver sounding then the sound a woman makes when walking.
Some people got freaked out and turned on the flash lights. We all talked about hearing the sounds and then played back one persons recording. You could hear the sound clearly.
So we quieted down, turn off the flash lights again and started to ask questions again.
Our group leader yelled out HELLO! Like he was yelling to someone out in the hall. That is when we heard "Hello" back.
People started to talk with excitement and someone turned his flash light on and walked down the hall to see if anyone was there. No one was around.
Our leader went on the walkie talkie and checked with the other groups. No one was even on the same floor as us. The closest group was three floors below us. The other groups were in the other building.

So we continued our EVP session and we soon heard walking coming in the room. A few people started to talk with excitement but was told to be quiet by our leader and then he asked who ever came in the room to go to the K2 meters and touch them so they would flash.
Right then the K2 meters started flashing from green to red. We then asked if more then one person was in the room with us. The 2ND K2 started to flash at the same time the other was flashing.
We asked a few questions and as if answering the questions the lights on the K2 would flash out the answer. The questions were yes and no answers. If the answer was no we asked them not to flash the meters. If it were a yes then to make them flicker.
Now I can not say for sure if these K2 meters really work but I can tell you that they flashed at the right times for them to be answers.
We would ask questions like "Are you a man?" and there would be no answer. So it was followed up with "So you are girl?" and it would flash. We would wait and then ask again "A girl right?" and it would flash. But, no flash when asked "so you are not a man, correct?".
It was so freaky! This went on for several minutes.
It turned out that it was little girl who had died during surgery and another lady who roams the hospital searching for her child.
The lady left shortly after she discovered her child was not in the room with us. The little girl stayed.
One person said "I love you" to her and more then 3/4 of the people in the room heard the voice of a little girl reply "I love you too". It was very faint but yet very clear.
Right as that happened the walkie talkie came on saying our time was up and we had to leave for the night.
No one wanted to leave but we had to. So everyone left the room. I started to let everyone go by me because I wanted to take some pictures of the room before we left. My friends, Claudia and Richard also stayed behind with me.
We clicked our photos and then went to leave.

As we were walking down the hall we were talking about how exciting it was and then we heard foot steps. We quickly stopped. I turned around and clicked this photo. You can see two orbs following us.
When we stopped the sounds stopped. Then we started to walk again and we heard them again.
We stopped again and held our flash lights up to see if anyone was there. No one was seen.

Claudia then turned on her K2 meter and it started to go off. She asked if the little girl was with us still and it went off as if saying yes. It stopped. She asked if the little girl wanted us to stay and it flashed again as if to say YES.
She told it that we had to go and she had to stay there. No flash. She asked if the little girl understood and it flashed again.
She repeated herself and said "Do you understand you have to stay here" and it flashed.
Then we heard loud foot steps again coming from the other direction. We held up our flash lights expecting to see someone coming to get us but no one was there.
The foot steps sounded like they were walking down the hall that crossed in front of us.

Notice in this photo that there is an orb down low as to where a child would be.
Then it was as if all the activity stopped. No more sounds, no hits on the K2 and no strange feelings.
So we left the building and met up with everyone inside.
I have to tell you this was by far the most activity I've ever experienced. While I didn't seem to catch to much in pictures I know what I heard and felt inside. It can not be explained.
Even as skeptic as I am, I have to say that I truly believe that Linda Vista Hospital is really haunted.
Sadly we were told that they are not going to allow Paranormal investigations there any more. That the owner may sell it as he is losing to much money every year and just wants to be rid of it.
I don't expect everyone to believe my story. Nor do I care if people do believe it. I know what happened that night. I know it can't be explained and I know I believe it.
I'm very very happy I got to go there before it closed down for good. It was a night I will never forget.