As I'm sure you can tell, I love Christmas. I love the decorations, the lights, the ribbons and bows.
To me Christmas is such a fun and happy time. But, the big downfall is the cost.
In today's economy everyone is having to cut back. So I thought it would be fun to go hunt out bargains for Christmas decorations.
I showed you the cute white bottle brush trees I got for only a $1.00 and $2.00 for the bigger ones. So today I thought I would take you along to see some cute Christmas items you can get on a budget.
These are all from one store. Try to guess the store by the end of the post.

You can find these darling bottle brush wreaths for only $7.00. I had to have at least one at that price. I got the white one for my office but now that I'm home I'm thinking I need to go get the green one too.

Look at this cute funky spiral Christmas tree. If you decorate with more of a fun modern look or even a cute whimsical look this would be perfect for you.

Do you spend big bucks on getting pretty or funny Christmas cards to mail out? Here you can find them for at least 1/2 the price.

I love to wrap pretty presents with big ribbon and bows but sometimes I need to use a bag for those times the object is a strange shape or I'm to tired to wrap.
Here you have lots of cute, pretty and funny bags to pick from. Most are just over $1.00.

What? You need a Christmas tree? Well look no further. You can get one here for around $50.00.
I had just gone to an upscale store that decorates for Christmas and was shocked to see some of their trees sold for $500 to $1000 and that was just for the tree. No ornaments!
Here you can even get a pink tree for all you pink lovers. These trees even come with lights.

There are stockings galore to pick from.

These reindeer look rather chic and regal to me. I can see putting a pop of color on these by putting a wreath around the neck. Very nice. Pretty big too. Again, very reasonable priced.

Look at this darling little house all decorated for Christmas with the snow and trees. It lights up too. Only $20.00 which a great price since I've seen some small houses costing way more then this.

Lights, lights and more lights. Big lights, little lights, snow flake lights, icicle lights, white lights and color lights. Just about any kind of lights you want can be found for around 1/2 off stores even like Target.

If you like to build your own village with the little people, trees and lamp posts there is a lot to pick from. Look at that bag on the left. It's a bag full of little bottle brush trees with snow. The whole bag was only $3.00.

I loved all the ribbon they had. Just about every size and color to pick from. Why spend big bucks when you can get it here.

What about bows? Do you like to use bows to decorate your wreaths or stairs? Well here they are already made up for you.

I know a lot of us love to bake and give cookies and candy to our friends and family. Sometimes it's hard to find things to deliver them in.
Well, how about darling little tins. That way not only do you give the yummy cookies and candy but the tin is also a cute little gift.

I like to put beads on my trees. So this is the place to go. Tons and tons of beads.

They have ornaments too. I wanted to get some to put in my apothecary jars. Now why spend a lot of money when they are just for looks. No one is going to dig in your jar and check out the ornaments. So I say get these less expensive ones.

Kids, love these stuff animals that sing and dance. Get them much cheaper here.

It's always nice to use greenery durning the holidays. For the fireplace, stairs, around doorways, over pictures and just about anywhere you want a touch of Christmas.
Plenty here to pick from.

Let's not forget our kitchen towels. They are a cute way to bring a touch of the holiday into your kitchen. They also make cute little hostess gifts or stocking stuffers.
So have you guess where all these cute, pretty and lovely items can be found? I'm sure if you have a good eye you could have seen a price tag or two to give it away.
It's Big Lots! I couldn't believe it. I have not been there in some time and I was taken with the nice things they had. I know you need to get there early in the season though before it's all picked over.
So all you people who are still in the Thanksgiving mode or think it's to early for Christmas decorations, you better think about it. You can always go pick up a few things and the wait to put them up.
No, Big Lots is not known for being the best when it comes to quality. But, many items you just want for a year or two. Or, ornaments to use for display in an area that won't be inspected by others. Some of their items are really nice too. Better then I remember them to be.
So, spend the big bucks on the items you collect or want to pass down are heirlooms. But, for the other items Big Lots can be perfect for you.
I'm all about saving a buck or two. If you are too, I hope you enjoyed this post.
WOW Joanne! I don't think the Big Lots in NY carry all those wonderful things! Good advice to shop early.
You made me laugh wiht the escarole comment --it is NOT escargot -- lol --it's delcious green --you would like it!
Have a good weekend!
Hugs, Pat
Oh, thanks for scoping out the Christmas bargains for me! I didn't know there were bottle brush wreaths out there! Hmmmm...
Man you can go hog wild in that store.
Big Lots is a great store to get things cheaply.
Hi there! I hopped on over from My Romantic Home. Lovely blog!
I always forget about Big Lots! They usually do have nice things for Christmas. Thanks for the reminder, I'll have to get in there this week.
I wish I had a Big Lots. There's one about forty five mins away from me, but it's way too ghetto to have any of that stuff. lol.
I can't WAIT to start decorating for Christmas!
We have a fairly nice Big Lots here in River City. I love those bottle bush wreaths. I'll go check them out. Hope to see you tomorrow!
Well said about Christmas Decorations
WOW...I'm going to have to check the nearest Big Lots. It is about 40 minutes away but hopefully they will have even a bit of all that you showed and it will be worth it!
Thanks for the hints, I have spent all day shopping with a friend looking at silver reindeer. I wish I had seen your post earlier. Thanks for all of the hints. Deb
I was guessing Garden Ridge or Wal Mart. I don't have a Big Lots. Bummer!
I love Big Lots...I'm fortunate enough to be close to two of them. I've found some great things most recent purchase was a clock that I posted about on my blog.
I love Big Lots! So glad that we have one close to my neighborhood. We also have a place called Old Time Pottery. Not sure if it's just local or national. But they too have some great finds at bargain prices.
I don't have a Big Lots either wish I did.
Wish you all a Merry Christmas on a budget!
My latest post is about family Christmas on a tight budget you might like to take a look.
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