Saturday, November 15, 2008


I love and collect snowmen. But, sadly I have never made my own snowman. It's something I've always wanted to do.

I don't live in an area where it snows. In fact, here it is, Nov 16th and today it is hot and windy. We don't get much of a winter at all. Maybe a few days of rain and cooler weather but never really super cold.

Some people like to build really big snowmen. This one must have taken a long time!

I would be happy to even build a tiny one like this.

Some people get super creative at how they dress their snowmen. I love the hat on this one.

This one is cute too but I'm not sure what happened to the little one next to it.

Some snowmen have arms.

Some have no arms but they have legs.

Some snowmen like to listen to music.

Sometimes snowmen are skinny.

Some snowmen have noses and some get theirs eaten off!

Yes, I adore snowmen. All shapes, sizes and all different designs. They are never the same twice.

Someday I'll build my own snowman. But, until then I will just enjoy what others build.

Have you ever built a snowman? If you did, what did it look like?



  1. Cute snowmen pics. One of those snowmen looks like Jabba the Hut!

  2. I like them all.

    Yes, California can be a beautiful state, but were all screwed up in the seasonal thing.

    It's been warm up here as well. We had a few days of rain, and then it went to the high 70's.
    Makes me want to move to somewhere that is actually get a true season.

    You could always turn up the air conditioner and pretend it's cold outside. LOL


  3. Looking at the snowmen helped to cool me down. I want some cool weather! This is the middle of November...could it atleast go back to the seventies?
    Hugs, Susan

  4. Cute pix!! I love snowmen, too!! The ones I've built were all in Wisconsin, where I lived most of my life. They tended to be most like the last 2 pictures you have posted. Then of course, there are the STUFFED kind that I have out for Christmas!!!

  5. Hi Joanne!

    I hope all those terrible fires in So. CA are nowhere near you!

    When my kids were little we'd always build a snowman when we had snow. It's easy if the snow is the right consistency and it rolls, as all you have to do is make a snowball and keep rolling it and it gets bigger and bigger. Then you stack them, add a carrot nose and some rocks as eyes and sticks as arms. I always wanted my snowman to come alive like Frosty!

    You always think of the best topics!

    Enjoy your weekend

    Hugs, Pat

  6. I have made many sorry-looking snowmen in my time, growing up here in New England. There is definitely a special technique to getting all those balls on top of each other!
    I am a collector of snowman figures, which I will be sharing on my blog after Christmas. They take over the house all winter!

  7. Hi Joanne, Cute Snowman post! You have never built a Snowman??? Well we are going to have to change that.....maybe you and your hubby and me and my hubby take a trip this winter to our cabin in Big Bear???
    Can you believe how awful these fires are?? It took me 2 hours to get out of town tonight! Luckly the fire went west and not south!
    Love, Ann
