Friday, July 6, 2012


Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway for the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving.  I wish I had one to send to everyone.

The actual winner is Amanda Perez.  I have sent an email to her and hopefully she will respond soon.  If I don't hear from her, I will pick another random number and let you know if that person is you.

Thanks again and I hope you all keep canning. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Found you through Mrs. Wheelbarrow and love that you have a dehydrator! It is on my wish list so please keep us informed about everything you do with it. Cannot remember where but someone dried kale and then made into a powder to add to smoothies, etc. Wonder if this changed any of the vitamins, minerals, etc.

    I will be trying some of your recipes in the future, thank you for them all!

