Sunday, March 6, 2011


Do you hate to do dishes? Well, fear no more. There is a way to put a smile on your face as you tackle those pots and pans.

Put a pair of these darling gloves on your hands and you will find that even the dreadful chore of washing dishes is something you will look forward to.

Really ladies, who among us could don a pair of these gloves that give us a bit of wild animal and bling love at the same time?
Or how about some funky lime green with mod circles to make you feel like have taken a step back to the 1960's?
Everyone would feel a bit more cheerful with these darling cherry gloves on.

For all you pink lovers, you could be the proud owner of these darling pink gloves topped with a bow so you feel chic while doing the dishes.

These beauties would make most women feel like it was a treat to do the dishes.

Why the crafty ones could even dress up your dish washing soap to match your gloves. Double the fun. Or at least make it attractive for your children to want to do the dishes.

Yes, you can feel sexy while doing the dishes in these.

Are you a girly girl? Well, there is no need to not feel that way while doing chores too. These will help you keep that girly girl feeling no matter what you are doing.

No matter who you are, there is sure to be a style or pattern you are bound to fall in love with.

No, I'm not getting paid for this post and I'm not getting any free gloves. But, if I were, I think I would go with these cute cupcake ones.

Cupcakes my heart go pitter patter.

The only down fall about these is I think I would end up taking them off in the middle of doing the dishes to go eat a cupcake.

Oh who am I fooling? No matter what you do, dishes are not going to be fun. But, since it is something we all have to do if we don't want to live with paper plates forever, we may as well have a pair of gloves to make us smile a little bit inside.



  1. OMG! What fun! I've never seen or heard of these, but you are right! They would make the most mundane of jobs more fun. Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful week! Sandi

  2. I came over thinking you found some new dishes and had to wash them!
    I don't use gloves, can't stand the feel of them! So my hands aren't rose petal soft! :)

  3. Hi Joanne!

    These are the cutest thing ever!! Now that's doing dishes in style!
    Love your gorgeous red tulips on your previous post too. Hope you are doing good friend... all is good here... just waiting for spring. Snow on the ground this morning but gone by tonight. Brrrrr! sick of this!

    Big hugs, Sherry

  4. I love these! I want the white pair with the black and white damask and pink!
