Tuesday, February 15, 2011


You know, it really is the simple things in life that can make a person happy!

When I found this ball of rubber bands, I couldn't stop smiling.

Look closely and you can see that as you take the bands off the colors change. See the red peeking through?

I couldn't help but think about the movie VACATION when they were going on their road trip and one of the stops was to see the largest ball of rubber bands.

I have to say, it is nice to have all my rubber bands in a nice neat place now.

No, I didn't do this. I bought them that way. Come on though, you know you want your rubber bands in a ball now too.



  1. Well...yes...I used to..but now I save maybe two and throw the rest in the trash. :( Pretty sad, huh?

  2. Ha! Can I correct you though? They stopped to see the Largest Ball of Twine, in Cawker City, Kansas, but I like your version better! A large rubber band ball is MUCH funnier! hehehe So you buy the ball like that? Who would have thought? And we all missed making our million because we didn't think of it first! Have a great week! Sandi
