Monday, November 10, 2008


I know many of you think it's way to early to decorate for Christmas. Seems my sister, Patty, thinks the same way. She refuses to decorate for Christmas until Thanksgiving is over.

So in the living room we do have our Thanksgiving decor up.

Like these little Pilgrims and turkey.

I love these little squirrels gathering up the acorns that fell out of the jar.

I do have lots of Thanksgiving decorations. But, for some reason I can't seem to find the boxes they are stored in.

So for now, our decorations are light this year.

Of course, we have pumpkins though.

This little turkey hanging his legs over the fireplace makes me smile.

The thing I wish for all of you is that this Thanksgiving you are over flowing with many many Blessings!


  1. We have our Thanksgiving decorations up to Joanne...sometimes it's almost like we forget about this holiday. Hey, I taggged you....if you don't mind, wander over to my blog and see what the categories's actually quite fun to do........thank you for your daily inspiration....your blog and pictures make me smile.

  2. Oh, how cute those squirrels are and the nuts falling out of the jar, who knew they could do that.


  3. Love the new blog do! We do not decorate for Christmas until the day after TG unless it is to put out some of the D56 Dickens. Which we have not done in years. But may this year. :D

    I love your pilgrims and turkey!

  4. Oh I am so sad we don't have Thanksgiving in England. I love your decorations.
    Debra's Cottage looks like my kind of shop. You would not get me out of there very easily.
    Best Wishes

  5. Hi! I just stumbled onto your blog and was riveted from the first minute! It's just so beautiful - and I love the jar full of acorns and the hungry little squirrels waiting to sneak off with a bit of dinner. Thanks for sharing such a cute display and such a lovely blog!

  6. I love the squirrels. It reminds me of one of my favorite childhood books-Miss Suzy.
    I hate it when you can find your decorations!

  7. Hi Joanne!

    Your Tday decorations look so festive and lovely! You find the cutest things!!

    Have you recovered from the Halloween party by now? That was so cute. You get the big award for parties Joanne!!

    Big hugs, Sherry

  8. Hi Joanne,
    I think your turkey with the long legs is a hoot:) It makes me laugh.
    I'm in the mood to put up some Christmas deocration have gotten me in that mood:)
    The squirrels are sweet.
    See you,

  9. I love your decorations Joanne. I don't think I've told you but I love your new home!!

  10. Very sweet Thanksgiving Decor! I feel the same way you do. Let's celebrate Thanksgiving before Christams..
    Thanks for the compliment on Velvet.
    xoxo Nita

  11. Joanne - your new layout is just beautiful. I also love your signature. It is all so "you"!! I'm anxious to get the Christmas things up too. I'm doing a little at a time so it's not too overwhelming after Thanksgiving. Each year I strive for a "stress-free" holiday. Maybe this will be the year . . .

  12. Hi Joanne, I haven't been to your blog in a while, I love your new design!
    Your Thanksgiving decorations are adorable. I have to agree with your sister on not decorating for Christmas until Thanksgiving is over with! I usually start that weekend!

  13. Hi again. I'm sorry to post something here, but I don't know how to send you something to a different source. I just wanted to say thank you for leaving such a sweet comment for me, and to let you know that I added you to my list of favorite blogs. Yours is truly one that I'll visit over and over. Thanks again, Shari

  14. That is some "decor to adore!" What cute little Thanksgiving vignettes! I need to get going on the decorating around here!
