Thursday, November 13, 2008


What a day yesterday turned out to be. Sometimes things don't turn out like we plan. But sometimes things turn out to still be OK. This was one of those days.

First, I need to say that the pictures in this post are not taken by me. I had to find some photos off the Internet to use because I forgot to bring my camera! What was I thinking??

But these are pretty much what you would have seen had I brought it.

I had gotten an email from a dog rescue group called "It's the Pitts". They needed someone to pick up a mommy and her 10 puppies from the pound near me and bring them to San Diego.

The mommy was 1/2 Pitt and 1/2 Lab. So I knew the mommy was going to be a fairly good size dog. I didn't have a crate big enough for her to fit in. Rather then saying no to the request for help, I got on Craigslist and asked if anyone had a large crate I could either have or use for the day.

I was thrilled to get so many offers from wonderful people saying I could use theirs for the day. One lady was even so kind as to offer to meet me at the shelter with the crate so I didn't have to drive any further then I already was going to.

So, my sister, Maureen, and I met her at the pound.

But, not before we got a call from another rescue group, Four Paws, saying she really needed someone to pick up a little chihuahua dog that had nerve damage and possibly needed surgery. I figured we could find room to bring one more small dog so I said sure.

Thankfully, my other sister, Patty, allowed me to take her SUV as there was no way all these dogs were going to fit in my little Honda Civic.

We got to the pound. Then over 2 hours later we finally had all the dogs in the car and ready to go. Don't ask me why it took over two hours to get these dogs ready when they knew I was coming. I have no idea.

I should have known the two hour ride down to San Diego wasn't going to be an easy one when I first looked into the crate with 9 five day old puppies. Why you ask? Well, they were covered in poo. One of them must have gone after being put into the crate and the others climbing over each other and snuggling up got it all over them. Plus we were told one of the puppies died the night before.

So before we left we cleaned the puppies and the crate up, tossed out the towel that was dirty and put in a nice clean one.

Then we had to get the mommy into her crate. She didn't want to go. So I picked her up. Let me tell you, it's not easy to pick up a 70+ pound dog that doesn't want to be picked up. Plus with my injured neck it was just a foolish thing to do. But, I did and finally got her in the crate ready to go.

The little chihuahua dog was perfect. Never made a sound and was just happy to be getting out of the pound.

As we drove down the freeway about 1 hour away from where we going the puppies started to cry and cry. We figured they were hungry and Maureen, reached in back and put them in the bigger crate with the mommy.

Then a little ways down the freeway, mommy dog got car sick and threw up. So I had to pull over, remove the puppies and clean out the big crate. All while trying to not let the mommy out of the crate. Believe me she was sure trying to get out of there.

Then we were back on the road. A few minutes down the road we started to smell something. Oh no! Did the puppies or mommy go poo again? Nope, it was just mommy farting. Talk about a bad smell!

We had to laugh because if we didn't we were going to cry. What else could go wrong?? Thankfully nothing.

We made it to the home of the foster mom. She had a nice room set up for the mommy dog and 9 puppies. They got all settled down and fed.

The other rescue lady met us there and pick up her chihuahua and we were on our way back. Two hours later we made it home.

So in only about 6-7 hours total we were able to save 11 little fur babies. That sure made it all worth while. But, I sure am thankful that most of the rescues I've done have gone off without a hitch. This was the first time I've had problems and I'm hoping in the future the others are not like this.

However, I did have a great feeling knowing that because of us, these 11 dogs are safe and happy. That would not be the case if we didn't step up to help them as no one else was able to drive them to their new homes.

If you ever get a chance to help save a dog or cat or any animal I hope you will step up and do so.

In fact, if you don't have the time or money to help out you still can. Just go to my right side bar and click on the purple button. It will take you to a web site and you just click on the button to feed an animal. Every time someone does the web sponsors will pay for .6 bowls of food to a shelter. If everyone did that there would be more food then needed.

Every bit helps and everyone can help.



  1. Oh Joanne you are definitely the dog angel. You once put a comment on my post that said a lot of times you prefer dogs over people. I am exactly the same way. I just don't get people that think dogs or cats are is just so sad. You are just the best to have taken all of them to a new and better life.

  2. What a beautiful story Joanne. What a fun day too! Even with all the not so good things that happened nothing was distrastrous and all ended well.

  3. Oh my lord bless your pee pickin heart. I need to do this. I am going to see if this organization is around my parts.

    What a day you had. I have crates etc..... for this I need to get busy.

    Ciao for now

  4. I added the purple button to my blog. Thanks so much for the info and for caring for of ALL those puppies!

  5. You put the smile on my face tonight.......what a wonderful act of kindness, love and giving. You mama raised some wonderful women!!!!

  6. You did good, Joanne. What a heart warming story. I am going to put the button on my blog, too. I love animals and want to help all I can.

  7. Tag you're it.

    Visit The Crafty Corner and read my post about being tagged for instructions on what you need to do.

  8. Hi Joanne,
    My BOY's say that you are a HERO and they Love you and are thankful for people like you...wet doggies kisses from
    Mack, Scout and Jackson Brown

    I'm so glad that you are a foster Mom and I believe your new little family loves don't get too attached to them:)

  9. Ditto all the other wonderful comments! As my boys would say, "Joanne, you're the BOMB!!!"

    You brought a tear to my eye.

    It's always rewarding when we get the chance to rescue a little creature - newborn or otherwise.


  10. I must comment again after reading your rescue post.
    I also do rescue but for cats and kittens. I have been a dedicated volunteer for many years now.
    Used to live in the city now live in the country and it seems that life out here is different. We have had several mom's with baby's in our home, keeping them safe, warm and fed. I take them to our vet, spay or neuter them, and find them forever homes. I starting blogging in July and find many gals to be animal lovers, but must admit that I haven't come across anyone like you actually doing a "show and tell".
    Thank you posting such beauty in your heart. We need more of "us" around this world.
    Claudie from Canada

  11. Joanne, there's a special place in Heaven for people like you that take such good care of God's litte creatures... You are so special!!... Donna
